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Highland Ridge Farms
Emily Bowden
2 min read
"How to Design an Efficient Cattle Handling System for Your Farm"
Hello everyone, It's been a while since we've updated you on what's been happening here at the farm, and there's been quite a bit going...
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Emily Bowden
2 min read
2023 a year in Review
Hello everyone its been a while since we wrote and gave an update on the farm. So in the spirit of the new year, I thought a review of...
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Emily Bowden
2 min read
EMLAB P-Test Livestock
When we were first questioning weather of not any of our cows were pregnant, we started looking into what our options where to check...
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Emily Bowden
2 min read
Time to get Electric and Water to the Barn.
The weekend of veterans day we decided that was it we were going to get water, electric, and internet to the barn. I had to work but...
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Emily Bowden
3 min read
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions, Decisions and Waterers
So it was time, this was the year that we were going to get water and electric to the barn. We had to for the sake of Emily's sanity. The...
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Emily Bowden
2 min read
Upgrades in the Barn
Hello folks, it's been a long weekend here on the farm, in the form of not enough hours in the day to get everything completed !!!! We...
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